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Mars 2025
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Aloe vera drinking gel
17.3.2010 | 17:51

Aloe Vera gel. the (orginal) with honey
Aloe Vera for your daily well-being. With 90.1% Aloe Vera from the inner leaf gel & 9% pure honey has received the seal of approval from the International Aloe Science Council. The only Aloe Vera Gel certified by SGS INSTITUTE FRESENIUS GmbH in the market.
1000ml or buy 6x1000ml
1000ml or buy 6x1000ml
Aloe Vera gel with peach
92% Aloe Vera Gel with natural peach aroma. Certified by IASC & the Institute Fresenius
1000ml or buy 6x1000ml
Aloe Vera Gel Sivera with Stinging nettle extract
The Stinging nettle is a natural deliver of silicum, the support element for tissues and the vascular wall.90% Aloe Vera- gel with pure honey and natural stinging nettle. Extract processed from the pure leaf gel, aloin free. Over 100 of the most precious of natures ingredients
1000ml or buy 6x1000ml
Aloe Vera Freedom with chondroitin
89% active Aloe Vera combined with chondrotin sulphate 70% covers the daily dosage of vitamin E.
Especially careful production.
Certified quality.
Aloin free. No Preservatives.
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