Aloe Vera
7.3.2010 | 13:47
For thousands of years it has been known, that the gel of the desert lilie, Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller is an agreeable natural remedy and a precious beauty elixir. Already in the ancient world the gel was used as a tonic, for revitalization and as a special beauty elixir. Precious natural ingredients such as vitamins, enzymes and minerals distinguish the Aloe Vera Gel Life Essence. For our products we only use the gel of the Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller.
-Experience Health,
-Give Health
-Over 100 ingredients supporting your well-being day after day.
-Do something good daily for your quality of life.
Aloe VeraThe Plant
Has a long and illustrious history dating from biblical times. It has been mentioned throughout recorded history and given a high ranking as an all-purpose herbal plant. It is not a cactus, but a member of the lily family.
The virtues of the plant have been recorded by many great civilizations, from Persia and Egypt in the Middle East, to those of Greece and Italy in Europe and to those of India and the African Continent. It was reputedly used in Egyptian embalming procedures, as drawings of Aloe Vera have been found on cave walls in the region. Legend has it that Aloe Vera was one of Cleopatras secrets for keeping her skin soft. Alexander the Great is said to have acquired Madagascar so that he could utilise the Aloe Vera growing there to treat soldiers' wounds. It is also a remedy which has long been used in the Indian practice of Ayurvedic medicine. Aloe is an integral part of Chinese cultures up to the present day. Aloe Vera is one of the oldest plants known to man & it still receives the highest interest.
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