dverg Schnauzer hvolpar ( fara ekki úr hárum) afhendir í jan
13.12.2011 | 16:06
við systkynin erum hreinræktuð dverg Schnauzer 6 talsins fædd 23 nóv. og erum svart og silfur og pipar og salt litir við bara stækkum og stækkum og erum svakalega sæt okkur mun vanta eigendur og verðum tilbúin til afhendningar upp úr 20 janúar á nýju ári (";)
við förum ekki úr hárum og erum yndislegir félagar,við munum skilast ættbókarfærð og örmekt, einng mun vera með okkur svona smá hvolpa glaðningur
svo erum við líka með 5 hreinræktuð dverg schnauzer systkynin hér fædd 17 nóv. öll svört og við bara stækkum og stækkum og erum svakalega sæt okkur mun vanta eigendur og verðum tilbúin til afhendningar upp úr 15 janúar á nýju ári (";) við förum ekki úr hárum og erum yndislegir félagar,við munum skilast ættbókarfærð og örmekt, einng mun vera með okkur svona smá hvolpa glaðningur
myndir af okkur á FB
endilega skoðið
Lífstíll | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
hágæða heilsu og snyrti vörur
17.9.2010 | 16:55
viltu hágæða heilsu og snyrtivörur vörur - gæti líka orðið atvinna af þín ef þú bara kærir þig um www.lrstars.com
hér er hægt að fletta Íslenska bæklingnum http://www.lrworld.com/flashbooks/IS-2-col-10/flash.html?id=9281
Lífstíll | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Aloe Vera
10.6.2010 | 20:47

Aloe Vera plantan
stuðlar að auknum efnaskiptum og eykur orkuframleiðslu eftir því sem líkaminn þarfnast.
Aloe Vera inniheldur 6 virk efni sem vinna gegn bakteríum, sveppum og vírusum. Sannað þykir að bakteríur eins og salmonella og klasakokkar eyðist við notkun Aloe Vera. Plantan hefur einnig virkað vel gegn candida sveppnum og reynist vel gegn sveppasýkingum sé það borið beint á sveppinn. Acemodan (alecticmanmosa) er efni sem finnst í Aloe Vera og hefur reynst vel gegn veirusýkingum.
- Astma,
- ofnæmi,
- blóðþrýsting,
- blóðsykur,
- blóðleysi,
- fitubrennslu
- maga,
- þarma,
- gigt,
- blöðruháls,
- gallsteina,
- þrek,
- skapið,
- munn,
- tennur og vélindabakflæði.
Hann styrkir ónæmiskerfið, er vatnslosandi og dregur úr bólgum.
viltu meiru upplýsingar sendu þá meil á okkur
Lífstíll | Breytt 16.8.2010 kl. 09:06 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Viltu þitt eigið fyrirtæki... eða viltu bara nota frábærar vörur
9.6.2010 | 10:28
Viltu þitt eigið fyrirtæki, stofnkostnaðurinn er að kaupa vörur fyrir 10 þúsund kr að eigin vali
viltu hitta mikið af skemmtilegu fólki ?
Viltu skemmtilegt starf ?
Viltu stjórna þínum vinnutíma ?
Þá erum við að leita að þér .
www.lrstars.com skoðið sérstaklega "opportunities"

Lífstíll | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
heimasíðan okkar
18.5.2010 | 07:53
Lífstíll | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (1)
Make it magic
3.5.2010 | 19:43
High end Quality Mineral Make Up designed for the classy side. This line of make up uses the finest ingredients to ensure a perfect look every time. Are you one to be picky or a like to be exclusive? Then Give LR Deluxe a go.
The Benefits Of Mineral Make Up:
- Does not clog pores
- Lasts Longer
- No additives or nasty chemicals
- No Oils
- Hypo-allergenic
- Suitable for all skin types
- Light coverage, not heavy!
- Wide range to choose from
Lífstíll | Breytt s.d. kl. 19:44 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
LR heimasíðan okkar
22.4.2010 | 12:55
Lífstíll | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
18.4.2010 | 19:58
Lífstíll | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
10.4.2010 | 20:35
Lífstíll | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
24.3.2010 | 09:01
Global Earning Opportunity.
Feel Good, Look Great,
Earn Well.
LR is a multi-million dollar, 25 year old reputable international company. The company was launched in 1985. Today LR operates in more than 30 countries worldwide.
Direct marketing is a fast growing branch of industry, which clearly differentiates itself from traditional sales.
While traditionally a product passes through many hands before reaching the consumer, in direct marketing the product gets to the consumer via an independent sales consultant.
Thereby keeping the cost down, the customer profits greatly from the favorable purchasing prices and personal consultation in his own home.
LR is one of Europe's most successful direct marketing companies in the field of high quality food supplements and innovative cosmetics.
More than 250,000 independent consultants worldwide enjoy a secure second income with LR. Many of them have succeeded to create their own financial independence.
The unique LR remuneration system offers everyone, regardless of age or gender, education, personal experience or financial background, endless income opportunities without any financial risk.
As LR Consultant you receive an attractive profit margin for selling high quality LR products. In accordance with your sales, LR pays you an additional bonus.
Apart from this, LR will support you with a commission when you build your independent business organisation. The Mercedes Benz Company Car Concept completes the remuneration system to perfection.
The best thing about LR expansion is that there is no limit to sales partners what market they precede or deal within, it's a global business with no restrictions!
Free of charge, we send all LR Consultants a monthly catalogue with many new products and monthly specials with each order. Especially the time limited promotions and special offers make selling for you easier. A monthly magazine provides you with background information about the new products and with important tips on how to sell these LR products.
To expand your customer base, we also offer a systematic training program.
Under the supervision of qualified training personnel you will learn the correct way to use your knowledge as an argument and apply the turnover orientated LR selling method.
The LR remuneration system offers you unlimited opportunities for earning money. Thanks to our proven system, you can create an attractive second income with a ten hours effort per week. And it is also possible to earn A$ 120,000 and more per month, though this is not guaranteed. Success depends entirely on your effort and determination.
LR believes in reward for effort. Useful marketing tools, invitations to perspective meetings or travel seminars to exotic destinations will be yours when your business reaches a certain volume.
Watch this presentation to learn more.
Join us to buy all your Products wholesale even as a Personal Consumer
Join us to sell and Distribute Products as a good second income.
Join us to build Your Own Team Network and earn Bonuses and Create a Passive Income.
Please contact us via email to Start Enjoying the LR World and Embark on Your Journey to Success with a second income. You can sign up in almost any country as one of our partners, we will be in contact with you promptly.
See more http://lrstars.com/
Lífstíll | Breytt s.d. kl. 09:03 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)